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How are products shipped?
How are shipping charges calculated?
Do you ship to anywhere in the US?
How do I track an online order?
I need to replace an existing fan, how do I find the correct model?
How do I select the correct fan for my bathroom?

How are products shipped?
Our products are shipped standard UPS Ground. If you need to ship your order Overnight or 2nd Day Air, please email us for a freight quote.

How are shipping charges calculated?
Shipping charges are calculated based on the products shipping weight. The total shipping cost is rendered from the UPS based ground rates.

Do you ship outside to anywhere in the US?
No, there are certain states and counties where the items needs to be ordered through representatives.

How do I track an online order?
After we have finished processing your order, you will receive an email with a UPS Tracking Number. Click Here and enter the tracking number to track the order.

I need to replace an existing fan, how do I find the correct model?
Please look at our cross reference section located here.

How do I select the correct fan for my bathroom?

Bathrooms Under 100 SQ. Feet
HVI (Home Ventilating Institute) guidelines state that baths 100 sq. feet or smaller require one CFM per square foot of bathroom. Multiply the length of the bathroom by the width to achive the square foot. The minimum CFM required is 50 CFM.

Bathrooms Over 100 SQ. Feet
Calculating baths over 100 sq. feet requires taking into account the amount of fixtures present.
Each toilet, shower or tub = 50 CFM
Whirlpool and jetted tubs = 100 CFM

Add the results together in order to find the fans required CFM.
Look in the Performance Data under 0.4" of back pressure for most installations to pick a fan with the power required.

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